Skin Tightening Charlotte NC

Skin Tightening Charlotte NC

Skin Tightening Charlotte N can help improve your youthful appearance. Whether the skin on your face or around your neck or even the body is the issue, there is nothing that suggests older age than sagging skin. Dr. Stephen Giordano, medical director at Carolina Age Management Institute, uses state-of-the-art, minimally invasive skin tightening Charlotte NC treatments to reveal a more contoured face, neck, or body lending a healthier and younger appearance to people living in and around Charlotte and Huntersville, NC.

Skin tightening refers to a single or series of non-invasive to minimally invasive treatments that boost collagen and elastin to reveal smoother skin and contoured face, neck, or body. This creates a younger appearance.

skin tightening charlotte NC

Benefits of Laser Skin Tightening Charlotte NC

It is performed to remove laxity (sagging) and smooth the skin to create a more youthful look. It also provides the following benefits:

  • Minimally invasive treatments
  • Safe and affordable
  • Virtually no discomfort during the procedure
  • Immediate results that get better over time lasting years
  • One treatment for many patients
  • No downtime

How Does Skin Tightening Work?

Treatments vary depending on the area of the body to be treated. The laser skin tightening Charlotte NC treatments work to promote collagen production to tighten the skin, and in some cases uses thermal energy to help contract the skin.  At Carolina Age Management Institute, the following procedures are used to tighten your skin:


The preparation for skin tightening depends on the treatment used to for the treatment. During a consultation, patients receive detailed instructions to prepare for one of the skin tightening treatments. Usually not much preparation is required for these modalities.


With most treatments, there is no downtime or recovery period. It is minimally invasive or non-invasive altogether making it possible to go back to work or resume daily routines immediately following the procedure. Even though some of the results are immediately noticeable, the full effects of skin tightening take about two to three months to reveal themselves. This is because collagen production gradually increases to tighten the skin.

How Much Does Skin Tightening Charlotte NC Cost?

Skin tightening Charlotte NC varies in terms of cost depending on the selected treatment, the area of the body to be treated and whether it is combined with other treatments. During the consultation, the staff discusses the cost of each treatment as well as payment options and financing with CareCredit®.

laser skin tightening charlotte nc

Is Skin Tightening Right for Me?

If your skin shows noticeable sagging or laxity coming from aging or you have lost a significant amount of weight and have loose skin, then it is worth consideration.  Common areas that are appropriate are the face, neck, triceps, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and knees. This is an excellent way to boost collagen production adding a youthful appearance to the skin.

Skin Tightening Consultation

It is necessary to schedule a consultation with Dr. Giordano or one of his staff members to determine if this is the right procedure to achieve your desired look. During the consultation, he goes over the details of the procedure as well as answers any questions you may have. Additionally, it is important to evaluate your overall health as well as medical history to ensure the treatment is safe and effective.

Dr. Stephen Giordano, medical director at Carolina Age Management Institute, treats loose and sagging skin with skin tightening treatments on people living in Charlotte and Huntersville, NC, and the surrounding communities to restore a more youthful appearance and self-confidence.