Fat Transfer Injections

Fat Transfer Injections in Charlotte, NC

Fat transfer injections are a popular procedure, allowing you to accomplish two aesthetic goals at the same time. Essentially, a fat transfer injection involves unwanted deposits of fat being extracted from your body, via a technique known as microlipo. That tissue is then cleaned and purified, then injected back into a part of the body where some extra volume is needed. The fat transfer procedure, also known as fat grafting, can be used to revitalize the cheeks, buttocks, breasts… anywhere you’d like to add a little volume. 

We are pleased to provide this remarkable procedure to our patients in the Charlotte area. To learn more about the benefits of fat transfer injections, we invite you to contact Carolina Age Management Institute (CAMI).

What is the Fat Transfer Injection Procedure?

Essentially, this procedure involves extracting fat from one area of the body and transferring it to another part, most often the face and buttocks, to restore volume. Fat is typically taken from an area of the body such as the abdomen or back where fat tends to accumulate, and is usually unwanted. Once it has been processed, it is injected into an area where fat loss has occurred, and the skin looks somewhat sallow and sagging.

fat transfer injection charlotte nc

What are the Benefits of Fat Transfer Injections?

In addition to removing fat from areas that have accumulated excess amounts, fat transfer injections in Charlotte NC offer the following benefits:

  • The procedure is safe. Because it uses fat from the patient’s body, there is no risk of allergic or negative reactions.
  • You can accomplish two goals at the same time. By removing unwanted fat from one area and adding volume elsewhere, this can be an efficient form of body sculpting.
  • Fat transfer injections offer long lasting or permanent results. With the right lifestyle, you can sustain your results indefinitely.
  • It takes less recovery time than other invasive procedures. Compared with other surgeries, the downtime is minimal.

Where Can I Have My Fat Transfer Injections?

One of the most common questions we hear about this process is where the harvested fat can be injected. The short answer: If there is any place on your body where you have lost volume due to the effects of age, you may be able to enhance and contour those areas with a fat transfer injection.

A few of the most common areas where patients desire fat transfer injections include: 


If you have lost breast volume, whether due to age, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, you may be a good candidate for fat transfers. This is a safe way to increase the volume of your breasts without the need for implants, ensuring a totally natural-looking result.

Hip Dips

Hip dips are particularly common among women. If you experience these indentations in your hips, and wish to smooth them over in order to make them less prominent, a simple way to do so is with the use of fat transfer injections.


As the body ages, it is normal for the face to lose some of its volume, leading to thin lips or to hollow, sunken cheeks. This volume can be restored via facial fat injections for a full and youthful facial appearance.

fat transfer injection

Additional Uses of Fat Transfer Injections

To learn more about the different ways to use fat transfer injections, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team at CAMI.


How Does Fat Transfer and Injection Work?

When performing fat transfer and injection, fat is taken from areas of the body that accumulate fat (abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and flanks) using a very thin cannula like the one used with liposuction. Once it is harvested, it is divided into smaller portions and placed into syringes. The fat is then injected into the targeted area(s).

Fat transfer and injection accomplishes two goals in that it also involves reducing or removing pockets of fat that may resist exercise and diet. The area used for fat removal is contoured and smoothed out to look better, not to mention shapelier.


Preparing for fat transfer and injection takes place during the fat harvesting. During this portion of the treatment, the fat that is harvested is spun through a centrifuge so that it can be re-injected to increase volume and diminish lines and wrinkles.


Most patients require a few days to rest and allow healing in that area where fat was injected. On top of this, it may take a couple weeks to fully heal from the microlipo procedure to give the area time for blood vessels to grow and strengthen into the injected fat. Patients typically wear a compression garment around the area where the fat was taken.


The cost of fat transfer and injections is different with each patient as it is based on the extent of the area to be treated, how much fat must be harvested, and whether other procedures are performed at the same time. During a consultation, we can discuss the cost as well as payment options and financing.


Is Fat Transfer Injection Right for Me?

If you have an area where you have unwanted fat deposits that you cannot address with diet and exercise, and if you have other areas where you have lost volume due to the aging process, then you may be a good candidate for the fat transfer process. Ultimately, the patients who have this procedure tend to be extremely satisfied with their end results.


Learn More About Fat Transfer Injections in Charlotte, NC

During your fat transfer consultation, Dr. Giordano will talk with you about what you want to correct, then evaluate your body to ensure you have an area with enough fat to use during the treatment. We also walk you through the procedure and answer any questions you may have regarding the treatment, the recovery, and the final results.

If you live in Charlotte or Huntersville, NC, and want to learn more about the fat transfer and injection procedure, contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation at Carolina Age Management Institute.